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Wooden windows
2011-10-21 13:00

 Wooden windows are mad mostly from pine or spruce wood, rarely from oak, mahogany or other exotic species. Mahogany is especially good for frames and casing, because of id hardness and resistance for deforming, however it is very expensive. Most popular pine wood shall be of highest grade, regular rings, without knags and fills.

Another point is solid wood glued. Glued wood frames are better secured from deformation. Sections should be glued lengthwise – they have smaller tendency to deform. Wooden windows have different shapes: triangular, rectangle, round, trapezoidal. Frames mostly are in natural colors (covered with transparent varnish. Other colors are available for special order.


Wooden-aluminum windows are different: outer parts or profiles are made from aluminum. Thanks to that, the part mostly risked by weather is protected with durable, convenient material.

Why to choose wooden windows:


  • They regulate humidity in room.
  • Modern windows have one-frame construction – they do not need to be decomposed for washing
  • Opposed to artificial materials they do not emit any toxic, dangerous gases and fumes
  • In case of fire, they remain still till the glass brakes
  • Wood is material that do not harm the environment


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