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Mobile and micro houses
2011-12-03 08:20

 Sometimes happens that we have a ground, but we are unable to receive a permission for building. The solution is a house on wheels. Mobile houses are not permanently bounded with ground and that’s why they can be moved everywhere, every time.
Mobile houses are not, according to law, buildings, but vehicles. They are an alternative for people who do not want to buy the ground but just rent it.
A base of mobile house is a steel frame, where broad wheels are attached to. The frame is attached to wooden skeleton construction. Walls are insulated with mineral wool. The construction is similar to modular-skeletal houses. The remaining problem is to attach the mobile house to water pipe, electricity and wastewater. This can take from few hours to even few months, depending on legal issues. Mobile houses can be heated with gas or electricity- they are equipped with all necessary systems. Most expensive ones have even a furniture.
Unfortunately frequent moving can weaken construction of such house, but building a new one is relatively fast- it takes from 1.5 to 2 months.

 Similar solution are so-called micro- houses. They offer full-living conditions with bathroom, toilet and kitchen, but are not bounded with ground, neither have a foundation. The can fulfill the role of season-house of can be a cheap alternative for those who do not want to spend money for small flat, but hava a ground. Companies that offer microhouses usually sends full profile of house, which allow to prepare a place. Later, the constructor lower the ready –to use construction on spot.

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