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Gutters, pipes, chains: how to drain water from the roof
2011-12-12 15:36

 The roof is a home’s protection against rain and snow- we can say “an umbrella”. But what we should do is to protect the walls of our home to be not flooded by the water drains from the roof during the spring thaw or each heavy rain. The most popular way to drain the roof is a system of the gutters and downpipes.

 Let is fall
Can not be hide that the cheapest way is to do nothing. And with that we will agree that the water will fall from the roof directly on the ground. At last not so long ago, a lot of houses especially on the villages has no gutters and nothing bad happened.
In the house which has no gutters, problems appear only when it has small overlaps or (when the roof is flat) if it has too small cornices. Then, during the rain there is a danger of flood the walls by falling water, especially when the wind direction is not favorable for our house position.

Gutters, pipes, chains
Each roof which is bigger than 100m2 or is situated on the building higher that 4,5 m must have a water drain system into the sewerage or ground. Proper drains roof has a big impact on the elevation state or even whole building.
The way how to drain the water from the roof need to be selected taking into account its shape as well as shape of the building and its surface. The most popular way is usage of the gutters and downpipes. They drain the water from the roof to the surface of the ground, to the sewerage or to the special installation for rainwater.
The proper type of drain system will be easily chose with the construction manager and designer of the building. But the one thing is obvious- answer on the question: to have or not to have the drain system is always of course to have!

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