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Heating the house
2012-01-11 09:38

 Heating the house costs. A lot. Most of us look for cheapest ways to heat a house. Usually, a cause for replacing is to solution which uses a cheaper fuel. It is also possible to replace an old, inefficient device to modern one. Check how much you can save.

So far it is hard to find cheaper devices than furnaces on solid fuel . Usually these are coal ones, rarely biomass or wood. These furnaces often replace electric heating, natural gas or oil. However in case of the gas heating there is another, less radical way to cut cost.

Condensing furnace
A normal gas furnace can be replaced by condensing one, which would use less fuel because of using also heat from fumes. Savings from that can even reach 20%, comparing to conventional gas solutions. Even if cost will fall of 500 PLN annually, the buying a new condensing furnace has a sense. of course if our furnace is one or two tears old we should consider money paid. However if it has worked for few years we can assume that acquisition had depreciated.

Control optimization
Another way to for cheaper heating is optimization of controlling system. Older furnaces were not equipped with any control installation. Buying one can reduce costs by synchronizing the heating with current needs.

From solid fuel to gas

It is obvious that using a traditional coal and solid fuel furnaces are problematic. They take a lot of space - it demands one full room for boiler as well as place for fuel. Among other drawbacks, the worst can be necessity to use the furnace all the time throughout very low temperatures. Deniyng it, can cause freezing water in pipes, which is catastrophic for whole house. Surely it worth considering buying newer furnace for gas without those drawbacks.

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