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Wall decor. How to clean and remove wall stickers.
2012-05-18 16:59

Wall stickers are not only elegant in wall decoration but also very practical. Wall stickers do not
require any special care since they are water proofing and easy to clean with a wet cloth. If one
does not enjoy his or her decoration, they can easily clean it using some soft moistened rag.

Since the materials, used in stickers production, are water impervious as well as the glue used
to adhere - the decor themes can be cleaned and scoured.

It is important to pay attention when you clean a decoration so that not to touch the margins of
a sticker in order to keep it clean because the stickers tend to collect more dust than the walls.
Since PVC is artificial, it electrifies and gathers more dust than a painted, plastered wall.


 How to remove a sticker from a wall?

Removing a sticker that we do not like anymore or it just became boring and unsatisfactory
is a trivial task that only requires to pull it a little bit and throw away. The wall should remain
untouched, though it of course depends on the quality of the paint and the plaster.

Walls made using drywall are less subjected to destruction of surface. Thus, there will be no
damage even after many years of usage.

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