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Window Decoration – what kind in each room?
2012-08-06 13:15

 After home repairs the time of his unit comes. Such as furniture equally important is to choose the appropriate decoration for a particular room. This is particularly true of windows for which the ornaments are selected not only in terms of style, which prevails in the interior and the shape and size of windows but also to a function that is fulfilled by room.
In rooms where adequate lighting is necessary, we ensure that the light coming through the window was enough for a long part of the day. It is important especially for offices and rooms for teaching, because the best light for visual work is the light of day. A kitchen should be also well-lit.

In these spaces you can apply thin and delicate curtains and transparent or light blinds. In the living room airy garlands and decorative bars will look good. If you do not care about a better light in living room, check there also a stylish thick curtains - all of course depends on the trend, according to which the room is furnished. In the kitchen because of the prevailing moisture there, it is good to install blinds made ​​of special materials that you can easily keep clean. You have to only dust with a vacuum cleaner and remove the resulting stains with a damp cloth or sponge. Shutters shall be checked for similar reasons, also known as window decorations in the bathroom. The bedroom and the bathroom is good to take care of intimacy.
Therefore, the supply of light there is not so important. More important is to create an atmosphere of intimacy and ensure that there will be able to feel comfortable in knowing that no one sees passing under our window. The bathroom is best to mount blinds rubber, resistant to moisture and also provide an impression of intimacy in the middle of the day. In the bedroom thicker curtains will be a good solution, hung on a suitably chosen curtain rod, of course, subject to the prevailing style there. In conference rooms and offices are the most popular vertical circles. Vertical blinds give the room coldness and seriousness. Excellent it also works at home - the window in the office or as a barrier dividing the large room.
The choice of window decorations should first be made ​​in accordance with their own visual display and the function room - due to the need for the lighting or darkening.

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