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Choosing the curtain rod
2011-07-22 08:48

The roller blinds have become very popular recently. It is not only popular in the living room or guest room but also in the kitchen or the bathroom.
Before the purchase, we are frequently not aware of the importance of the fabric of which the roller blind is made. We tend to consider only the pattern or colour so it matches the room design. The fabric is important first of all because not every material is equally durable or soil resist.
The most popular are the roller blinds made of polyester because the user has not got any problems with their maintenance and their colour remains the same for long.

The roller blinds made of polyamide are also recommended because they are resistant to UV rays and constant washing.

The roller blinds made of cotton and linen are nice by touch but unfortunately, they are more subject to deformation and shrinkage.

The best idea is to choose the roller blinds with regard to our personal needs. Factors to be considered are: do we want to darken the room slightly or cut off the light completely and lower the temperature as well as sun exposure.

Let’s select the roller blinds not only with regard to its aesthetic values but also practical ones. Avoid unnecessary problems connected with constant cleaning the obstinate stain which will occur after some time, anyway.

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