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Monthly news list: June 2012
Found 2 news
2012-06-28 14:16 - Flat/Home

 Should a floor differ from the one a living room?
There should be solid and dirt resistant floor in the kitchen, while in a living room, on the contrary, the a floor should match the furniture, in most cases made from wood. Still the same material can be used in both, the kitchen and the living room. Check out the experts’ opinions.
Many people got used to have their kitchen and living room as two different places. And what about the other rooms? There are different materials used in most of them too. However, what can one do when there are two adjacent areas? As an example, there should be mentioned a situation when the kitchen is adjacent to the living room or a dining room, which is often not divided or separated by a wall or a fence. One may consider applying the same material in both areas, the question whether it is worth doing or not.


2012-06-04 09:02 - Flat/Home

 Wall stickers are not only elegant in wall decoration but also very practical. Wall stickers do not require any special care since they are water proofing and easy to clean with a wet cloth. If one does not enjoy his or her decoration, they can easily clean it using some soft moistened rag.

Since the materials, used in stickers production, are water impervious as well as the glue used to adhere - the decor themes can be cleaned and scoured.
