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Monthly news list: September 2012
Found 2 news
2012-09-10 11:29 - Windows

  Blinds are a great ornament of our windows. We select them not only in color to the room, but we should also pay attention to the way their mount, depending on the objective to be met. On the market there are various types of blinds, such as blinds which are stuck – structure of windows is not affected, screwed directly to the window frame or wall above them.


2012-09-03 09:27 - Flat/Home


This depends on the amount that we intend to devote to the position of parquet. If you want to save, it's best to go about this single-handed, using only the advice of professionals or friends who managed with this problem. You should also be aware that not all activities related to laying of parquet you can do yourself, because it is not just laying wood flooring but also scraping, combining the parquet with other floors, polishing, painting and matting. A good company parquet also advise what type of flooring is best to choose for your room - which the wood is most suitable.
