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Monthly news list: December 2012
Found 2 news
2012-12-18 10:13 - Flat/Home


When you want to change your living space you should think about changing the look of the walls. The best way to create a cozy interior is the use of solution, which is the wallpaper wall. There are different types, designs and colors.


2012-12-01 10:21 - Flat/Home

It is scientifically proven fact, that colors we surround ourselves with influence how we feel. For this reason people take into consideration colors in many aspects of our lives. Many of us pick colors for our clothes very carefully, because different colors can cause different impressions. Colors are also very important when it comes to arranging our home. Picking right color for a right room is essential when we want to achieve a specific effect. For example, when we are arranging a living room then we should consider a warm, bright color, especially if the room is not very well lit during the day. We might want to pick darker, stronger variants of these colors, if the room is bright enough. Good base colors to consider for a living room are red, yellow, orange, green and white. In some cases violet and brown can be considered, however not all living rooms look good with each color. 
