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Monthly news list: January 2012
Found 3 news
2012-01-30 14:28 - Flat/Home


One of the most important thing, which you always need to consider during selection of the floor is its allocation. Very important is fact, that proper choice gives us possibility to enjoy nice and tidy
look in our house. Nowadays, on the market we can find many options to choose. But you
always need to consider many option to choose the right one. First and very popular choice are panels. When you choose panels you need to check its resistance, grind ability and reaction for the
chemicals. The biggest advantages of panels is a very quick installation. The wooden panels are also very good as thermal and acoustic isolation.
For a natural design the best choice will be a wooden floor. This is the most warmest and natural product which you can find on the market. This is also a very good choice for the allergies. This kind of the floor is easy in maintenance and with years it is more and more beautiful. And you can always replace a destroyed parts. You can also choose a stone or ceramic tiles. They have very high resistance for hight temperature and water, and also persistence.


2012-01-11 09:38 - Flat/Home

 Heating the house costs. A lot. Most of us look for cheapest ways to heat a house. Usually, a cause for replacing is to solution which uses a cheaper fuel. It is also possible to replace an old, inefficient device to modern one. Check how much you can save.

So far it is hard to find cheaper devices than furnaces on solid fuel . Usually these are coal ones, rarely biomass or wood. These furnaces often replace electric heating, natural gas or oil. However in case of the gas heating there is another, less radical way to cut cost.


2012-01-02 11:07 - Flat/Home

For Europeans, the bathroom is becoming not only usablke place, but a room of bath that fits us into good mood. Having a bath in bathroom is a moment of relaxation and ceremony of balance. Such trend demands from us a glance of creativity, imagination, and opening for new styling opportunities. A moment of work at the beginning should be worth of that our bathroom will be prettier, stylish and easier to maintain. Currently the bathrooms shall be luxurious and relaxing.
Europeans, despite the place of living, have similar needs. For instance in southern Europe, bath tubes are more popular, in northern part of continent, showers. However, all agree in one issue – more space.
During modernization of bathroom we have to know how much space do we need. Designers reach an effect of bigger bathroom by moving installations to an opposite wall for radical enlarging. More and more popular mean are suspended sanitary elements such as toilet or washbasin. When bright colors and huge mirrors come into the game, the effect are splendid.
